The 6 Easiest Rabbit Breeds to Take Care Of

Just like any animal breed, rabbit breeds come with varying characteristics. Some breeds may be more temperamental while others tend to have relaxed traits. As you consider buying a rabbit, you will want to incorporate the kind of rabbit breed that’s compatible with you before you make a final decision.

Common rabbit breeds that are the easiest to take care of are the Holland Lop, the Lionhead rabbit, the Himalayan rabbit, the Mini Rex, the Harlequin rabbit, and the Chinchilla rabbit. While their needs and personalities may vary, they will likely be affectionate animals that make great pets.

Let’s go into greater detail about why these specific rabbit breeds may suit you best.

The Holland Lop

Holland Lops are your floppy-eared, squishy rabbits that you just want to rain love down on. In fact, that’s just one of the many reasons Holland Lops make great pets. They can grow between 2 to 4 pounds with varying colors. This means that they’re on the smaller side of the rabbit scale.

These rabbits shed during the summer, so you will need to brush them regularly to maintain their fur. They live between 7 and 14 years—quite a long time compared to other rabbit breeds!

If you’re looking for a friendly, energetic rabbit that you can actively spend time with, then you may want to own a Holland Lop. With that being said, because of their energetic nature they need room to roam. You’ll want to think about rabbit-proofing your home for them or finding a space that’s adequate for their activity levels.

Holland Lops love to play and have someone to play with, and they’ll thank you for involving yourself regularly with their lifestyle. Their friendly personalities will have you bonding with them in no time.

While Holland Lops are easy to take care of, they will probably not be the best breed if you or a child want to physically hold your rabbit. Although they are easy to handle—which what makes them popular show rabbits—they don’t like being picked up, as it is with many rabbit breeds.

Because of their popularity, Holland Lops are easy to find among rabbit breeders.

Since every family is different, it is important to know if a rabbit will fit well into your family’s lifestyle. Check out this Owner’s Guide I put together to see if rabbits are, overall, hard to care for. You may be surprised!

The Lionhead Rabbit

Their name suits their looks. Lionhead rabbits have fluffy manes and a crop of longer hair on their heads. As a smaller breed, they weigh between 2.5 to 3.5 pounds, so they can be fragile. Lionheads live between 7 to 10 years.

Lionheads are extremely people-friendly. They love attention and interaction, and unlike many rabbits, Lionheads tolerate handling and holding very well. Many consider them to be lap bunnies, and they’ll come to you for snuggles because of their high affection levels.

If you have children and want a breed that won’t struggle if they’re picked up, Lionheads are great rabbits. Just be sure that the Lionhead is handled with care because of their tiny stature.

This breed loves to play, and they do best when they have somewhere to spend their energy. Make sure your Lionhead has plenty of toys and someone to play with when you care for them.

Their unique hairstyles mean that they require constant grooming to avoid mats and tangling. Because of this, their maintenance levels are a bit higher than other breeds. You will need to ensure that you tend to their hair care needs, but this is a great opportunity for bonding time with them.

If you don’t think you’ll be able to upkeep your Lionhead’s mane, then maybe consider other breeds whose grooming standards are lower.

The Himalayan Rabbit

Himalayan rabbits are striking breeds due to their white coats and black, brown, charcoal, or lilac-colored ears, noses, tails, and feet. Despite their long bodies, Himalayans weigh only between 2.5 and 5 pounds. They are easy to groom, and they commonly live 5 to 8 years.

Their calm, patient personalities have long made Himalayans a great rabbit for any household, especially with children. They’re one of the oldest rabbit breeds in the world, meaning that they’ve had a long time to adjust to a domesticated life.

Not only are Himalayans easy to care for, but they like human company, so you won’t have trouble bonding with them. They don’t mind being picked up and are rarely known to attack people if they’re uncomfortable.

Unlike other rabbit breeds, Himalayans don’t have high energy levels. If you have a smaller living space, Himalayans may be good for you because they won’t require as much racing around. That being said, they should still have toys to play with and be allowed to roam outside of their enclosures. This will allow them to be comfortable with your home, as well as with you.

Himalayans love sunshine. You should have as much sunlight as you can filtering into your home for them to soak up. And, if you have a fenced-off yard or a quiet place to take them on a leash and harness, you can spend time with your Himalayan outdoors when the weather is sunny.

If you’re nervous about owning your first pet rabbit, Himalayans are great options because of their docile and loving nature.

The Mini Rex

The nice thing about Mini Rexes is that they come in all sorts of colors and patterns, so you’ll find a lot of variety when you choose one. As another small rabbit breed, they weigh in at about 3.5 to 4.5 pounds.

Due to their short fur that has only one layer instead of two, Mini Rex rabbits have low grooming requirements. They live between 5 to 8 years.

Mini Rexes are another highly popular breed for rabbit owners. This is due to their calm and friendly nature. Many will welcome human interaction, which will make bonding with them easy and fun. They may even be protective of you, and they’ll show it by keeping you company at all hours if you allow them to.

While they enjoy being petted and scratched, Mini Rexes tend to dislike being held. They will struggle if they’re held too long or too tightly, which may result in them scratching you or accidental dropping. But if you’re good with just cuddles, then Mini Rexes won’t complain.

You’ll have to think about how much space and time to play your Mini Rex will have before you purchase one. The breed can have bouts of liveliness, but this also makes them great pets for you or children to interact with, as they’ll be easy to entertain.

Mini Rexes are a smart breed as well, so when it comes time to litter train them, they will prove to be less difficult to teach than other rabbits.

Their sweet demeanors, small size, and easy grooming make Mini Rexes an optimal choice for new rabbit owners. Here is a great article with 7 Reasons Mini-Rex Rabbits Make Great Pets if you’re still feeling a bit uncertain!

The Harlequin Rabbit

With unique colors and patterns, Harlequin rabbits will be sure to catch the eye. They weigh anywhere from 6.5 to 9.5 pounds, so if you’re looking for a mid-sized rabbit, they’re a good option.

Harlequins have minimal shedding. On average, they live 5 to 8 years.

Harlequins are curious and outgoing. They take to training well, and they love to learn tricks if you dedicate the time to teaching them. Just like their clownish name suggests, Harlequins live for your praise, and they thrive off entertaining you. This characteristic will allow you to quickly create a special bond with them.

These same traits, however, mean that Harlequins need time and space devoted to their high energy levels. They should be able to roam whenever they please, and you can expect them to frequently demand your attention. Their cleverness, combined with lack of attention, may lead to Harlequins acting like naughty kids.

In spite of their larger size, Harlequins do well with children, who will undoubtedly be excited to meet the rabbits’ care needs when it comes to play and love.

Try to avoid picking up Harlequins. Instead, shower them with pets, scratches, and cuddles. Their docile and sociable nature makes them perfect for such affection.

The Standard Chinchilla Rabbit

Don’t get this rabbit confused with a regular chinchilla—standard Chinchilla rabbits are their own breed of rabbit. Known for their soft and chinchilla-like fur, Standard Chinchillas are 5 to 7.5 pounds.

Their fur doesn’t need much maintenance, and they have an average lifespan of 5 to 8 years.

This breed of rabbit tends to be calm and approachable. Standard Chinchillas make for good indoor pets.

They are easy to care for because of these traits. Whether you’re young or old, these rabbits can be loved without much difficulty due to their sweet temperaments.

Although Standard Chinchillas have lower energy levels than other rabbit breeds, they still need the ability to run when they like and stretch their legs. But if you want a laid-back rabbit who enjoys love yet doesn’t constantly need it, Standard Chinchillas fit that description perfectly. They like to lounge, so they have idealized indoor compatibility as well.

How well Standard Chinchillas do with picking up varies. Depending on their size and personality, they may or may not like being held. That being said, their peaceful nature means they’re likely to be patient as you figure out their wants and needs.

While the best rabbit for you largely depends on your individual circumstances, there are a few common traits that tend to make for a good rabbit. These are just my top 6 recommendations.

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Laura Pierce

I'm the owner of and I've loved rabbits since I got my first one as a pet at 8 years old. Today I spend much of my time researching rabbit habits, exotic varieties, and ideal living environments.

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